Monday, September 29, 2008

These are the poems we wrote that were inspired by Walter Dean Myers' poem "Summer"


I love Fridays, Fridays
Crazy’s what you got days
The street makes the beat that taps your feet
People sweating
Dancing and singing
Hey get his number days.
Getting “lite”
Now there are fights
Late night days, moon light days
Waiting and pacing
For Fridays, Fridays
Crazy’s what you got days.
~By M. N., period 1
"Goodbye Summer"
From hot days to cold days
The worst begins to fade
From shorts and bathing suits
To cold winter boots
Goodbye to the pool
And hello to school.
Now it's time for quizzes and tests
And to try my very best
To getting good grades and passing my classes
Not to mention attending all the dances.
This year might be a bummer,
But there's always next summer.
~Y.C., period 1
"Fall Warm Days"

I like warm days, warm days
Fun is what you got days
Warm windy fall days from winds to winds
All friends laughing
Jogging and Sweating
Going to parks those days.

Windy days
Fall windy days
Orangey red, leaves that lay
Laughing and dreaming
With warm days, warm days
Fun is what you got days.
~J.F., period 1
"Alone in the cold"
I got cold days, cold days
Shivers is what you got days.
I got a dark New York City night
The wind is hitting you like a
Violent boxing match.

When my phone rings and it's my caring mother,
She doesn’t understand it's the boring year of 2008.
Nobody can make it to her Christmas party.

She feels that nobody loves her.
She feels lonely in this life.
She feels all the demons in the world are in her closet.
She says life is supposed to be fun,
But all along we’ve been in the dark
Alone, In that lonely snowy park

I've been trying to remember the good times,
When things were good when
Things were alright.
~R.C., period 1

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